as much as i had wanted to nap today, i ended up sitting on my laptop all day ... no naps for me ... which is typical for me ... i get on my laptop and start messing around with stuff and totally lose track of time and space ...
anyway ... after i got this blog uploaded and viewable online, i realised that my atuin installation is wonky for some reason. i have zero idea what happaned ... other than maybe the domain change?
btw: that error is:
Error: error decoding response body: missing field 'count' at line 1 column 255
Caused by:
missing field 'count' at line 1 column 255
so, to explain why that was even a thing, i need to go back in time a little ... a few months ago, i got really pissed off with namecheap because they decided to renew my domains for like two years without giving me a heads-up. which ... i mean ... it's sort of cool that they take care of the possibility of your domain expiring on you ... and i get it ... but ... sends me emails at like day 45 before renewal what is about to be renewed... it seems to me that that would be the bare fucking minimum ...
so i went to the fedi to rant and someone, somewhere said "check out porkbun". heh - the name alone made me want to move ASAP cos ... weird like me, right? bonus points for their page linked as "Don't like our name" ... heh ... but in the process of moving my domains, it came to my attention that the .li
tld ... well ... i can't transfer it off namecheap and i really want off namecheap ... and ... this was happening right around the time that we learned that .io
was going away.
ironically, i had been trying to get a .jm
domain for years... jamaica holds onto those really tightly. (i should try again, actually) anyway .. country coded tld's are ... problematic in lots of ways not the least of which is that they can go away at any time. and by the way, i am fully in support of .io going away... but anyway, it made me think and ... even thought
is a nice short domain, it's ... not much shorter than
and so i started the process of moving all my domains in preparation for the expiration of that domain.
anyway .. so ... my self-hosted atuin server was running on a subdomain and i switched it to the subdomain and ... but that can't have been the reason, right?
in the midst of all this, i was trying to setup this site to do some automatic deployment no matter where i write my posts (i am not always on my laptop) ... and also just futzing around with Dockerfiles and Gitea actions again ... and ... ffs ... lighttpd of all things ...
anywho ... like i predicted ... it was 17:00 and i had no idea where the day went ...
oh well ... i managed to wash a load of laundry and make a valiant effort at descaling the shower ... so i guess ... i wasn't totally useless.