that time white women called the cops on me

i wrote a post this morning because i am really tired of this bullshit now. white women's tears are going to be death of us all. but i thought i should probably write out in detail what happened when the cops were called on me for doing a communal good.

this happened in germany while hubster and i were stationed there.

because we're on foreign soil, military folks are mostly expected to live on the installations in europe. we hadn't lived on a military installation for a few years so it was quite the adjustment. more so because we were in glorified barracks. buildings of tiny apartments with one entryway shared by 6 units. in some ways, it's good because we can better support each other when we're all piled in like that ... but ... human nature, yeah ... and supporting each other requires certain ... ahem ... qualities.

as you may or may not know, i ended up doing my master in social work studies while in germany. my days started at about 2pm and finished at about 2am. at 4pm, when most of classes started, i would be taking the pups out for a piss before i got into class so that they wouldn't be interrupting me. one day, i am taking the pups out and i stumble and nearly fall over in the doorway to the outside because there is a pile of sidewalk chalk just sitting the middle of the entryway. there were a few mothers sitting on the lawn outside with their kids and i called them on it. i was starting off angry because i nearly fell, dammit. and one of our neighbours had just had a baby. if me, with my two dogs on leashes, nearly face-planted, then it was even more of a risk for her, carrying a new born. so i called them out.

well, bad idea ... they got pissy with me. then they went on this weird tangent about dog shit on the lawn and it being something i did and that somehow that was the same or worse than the chalk in the doorway. i am still, to this day, flummoxed at how dog shit on the lawn is even something you might mention in relation to a very real hazard in an entryway. anyway, since they were being entitled about their kids, i walked away. i am allergic to drama and i needed to finish the pupper bio and head back for class. since they didn't seem concerned, i moved the chalk myself. (for those not paying attention: this is white women entitled to do whatever they want as violently as they want and expecting to be allowed to)

10 minutes later, coming back with the pups from the back of the building, i see that someone had placed the chalk right back in the middle of the doorway. i mean i know it was off to the side when i left. i put them there. so that they were back in the entryway meant that someone deliberately put them back in the doorway. so, mumbling to myself about chalk with legs, i picked them up and took them inside with me.

a little later on, i got a call from one of the husbands asking me kindly to just return the chalk and apologising for the wives and saying it was stupid and could i please just let it die here.... which made me laugh because i said "look, they decided to turn this into a thing .. not me. and i am keeping the chalk because they don't seem reponsible enough to not make it a hazard for everyone." cue the mumbling apologies on behalf of the poor poor women who felt attacked by me and i just laughed and walked away because ... please. i ain't stupid. (for those not paying attention: this is the white man coming to save their white wives bingo slot)

next thing i know, in the middle of my class, my husband is calling me asking me what the hell happened. these white women apparently called the MPs saying i was throwing rocks at them and their cars. i laughed. because ... what? (for those not paying attention, this is white women calling the cops to do violence to protect their innocence)

"confused nick young meme"

so i told him what happened and he was all ... ffs ... but because he is my husband, he can't respond to the call. so they send someone else out to talk to me. the complaint is theft of property but the way they described how i was behaving, it is obvious they wanted the cops to come and lock me up or shoot me. i mean, what other reason does one have for claiming i was throwing rocks at them? (for those not paying attention: this is literal white women tears - the black woman did a violence to me oh my)

the MPs, when they finally came, came apologetically ... they said they'd heard what happened and they really didn't want to be there because it was a nuisance call but they had to write up a report anyway. so we talked and laughed at these women who obviously were calling the cops to come shoot me. they looked so damned awkward as they took my statement. and we chatted afterwards at just how nonsensical the whole thing was. and then they left ... with the confiscated chalk. yeah - i handed it over because, it's not mine, i don't want it, i just wanted to keep the entryway clear and i was the only one who wanted to. so i gave it to them.

i later learned they deliberately did not "read me my rights" so that if the brass attempted to do anything at all with the complaint, the whole thing would be voided. the brass, however, decided that these women were being completely assinine and dumped the whole thing in the trash.

hubster and i had a long talk, after that, about how white women have a history of using the cops to do their violence against black bodies... i think that might have been the moment he decided he was done being a cop. the institution is corrupt as fuck and he was completely disillusioned about what he, as a cop, was supposed to be doing.

months and months later, one of those white women approached me and said she was so very sorry for what happened that day and that she didn't know why but she got caught up in the moment. that she'd had time to think about what happened and realised she'd been in the wrong. (for those not paying attention: think carolyn bryant)

so ... to summarise ... my brush with these random white women checked all the boxes:

  • white women entitlement
  • white women violence
  • white men proctecting white women innocence
  • white women tears
  • white women using law enforcement to commit violence
  • white women historical revisioning and victimhood after the fact

it's actually pretty fucking sad ... this is like some common playbook now. these things always play out this way.

honestly, after this year's election, i think i am done being nice. i am done being open. i am done being considerate. white women can collectively go dead a bush.

